Thursday, January 26, 2012

Khan Academy

The idea of “Flipping the Classroom” is something tempting.   I think the benefits are obvious.  I see it as an excellent idea for those that want to move ahead at their own pace or honors and AP classes.  I also love the idea of giving the foundation as homework and then using classroom for the typical “homework”.  However, I see the drawbacks daunting.

Money is the main issue.  I would have to provide equal access to all students at home.  I can’t guarantee this.  Many don’t have access to technology at home.  And I am finding through my Action Research Project, that many families use the computer as a disciplinary tool.  If you all of your work and then you are allowed to use the computer.  Or on the flip side, don’t dump the trash and you don’t get the computer.  It is frustrating.  They would never use the same strategy with books or homework.  But I digress… I just feel that requiring the computer use at home is something I don’t see in the near future.

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